Tuesday, April 12, 2011

More Orr

Sorry, haven't had much spare time to upload stuff, but hope this stuff helps anyone looking for lesson ideas, even if you don't have the Orr book (the one with cats in a boat for 1st grade, and cats in a double-decker bus for 2nd grade). Personally I don't use waygook.org because it takes ages to winnow through everything to find anything useful and I can't seem to download anything for some reason (yes I am a techno-n00b). Basically I don't have the time (or the patience come to that) to sit there and read through every thing or to figure out what's wrong :p It's good but I seriously can't see why people rave on about it like they do - there are heaps of other great ESL websites out there.

Thomas Orr's English 1 (Middle School 1st grade)

Lesson 1: I'm Lucky - introductions and the weather. Here is the link to my lesson plan with a blank Facebook profile worksheet and a powerpoint for different types of weather.

Lesson 2: School Is Fun - transport and our favourite things.
Key sentences:
- How do you go (get) to school?
- Q: What's your favourite ...? A: I like ...
Here's the link to my lesson plan and some flashcards to elicit the question "What's your favourite [sport]?" using the picture to make the sentence "I like [soccer]." Read the lesson plan for an idea for playing Favourites Bingo (bingo sheet here). Also, a postcard template for an additional writing activity (covers Lesson 1 and 2 together and possibly 3 if you are short on time) if you are expected to cover writing in class.

Lesson 3: Answers on the Web - giving reasons and advice.
Key sentences:
- Why? Because...
- Why don't you...?
Here's the lesson plan for the first part of chapter 3 (on giving reasons) and the powerpoint on emotions (with translations in Korean) that I used.

If anyone has any ideas for the "why don't you...?" lesson please share! Since I won't be teaching here next year (or am not intending to) I am tempted to just use the same lesson idea on giving advice that comes up in the 2nd grade book that I used last year... :D

P.S. I forgot to post this before, but here is a worksheet for Bruno Mars' "Just The Way You Are" that I did with my high level 2nd and 3rd graders (it's a little challenging). You divide students into pairs and get them to help each other correct each other (the A sheet is the easier one). At the end, I showed them a video that runs the lyrics across the bottom and the Korean translation - I can't embed it but you can watch it here: http://tvpot.daum.net/clip/ClipView.do?clipid=31809989

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